Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reflections: Week 1 and 2

The first 2 weeks in Environmental Health have been very uneventful environment learning wise in my eyes. I can see why this is of course, as we just started the course and have been trying to get these blogs under way and working! I really liked the first day of class when Dr. V showed us the power point trip Washington, DC and how the different monuments had sayings about the environment on them. I thought that it made us think in out of the box ways, and started getting us in the mindset on how much the environment impacts our life.

Over the first 2 weeks, I have learned a lot about blogs and how to make them very "your own". I had to use blogs in my Computers in Education class, but never this in-depth or this on a schedule. It took me awhile to learn where all of the special features were and fine tweak my page so it looked and had the content of what we wanted. Some of the things that this included were: following blogs, comment on other students blogs, how to add special features to my own blog and make my page looked like I wanted it to look. Although I found it difficult at first to capture what exactly was expected of us and when and where things had to get done, it's making much more sense now that it's actually happening.

After being in class and hearing about what's going to happen over the semester, I am now very excited to be in this class! I've never had an environmental class before, although I do have an interest in learning about the environment, so being in this will be a new experience for me and hopefully teach me many things.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Welcome to Heather's Healthy Environment!

Picture Taken By Ashley Penrod

Hey there! My name is Heather and I am a Community Health Education major and a Psychology minor at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. This blog is going to focus on the environment and health! Mostly, about why the environment is good for your health and a necessary part of keeping you healthy!

There are 5 possible types of posts on my blog. They include:

  1. Advocacy Project
  2. Eye Openers
  3. Reflections
  4. Reviews
  5. Share and Voice

If you notice at the bottom of this post, the categories will be listed as labels. This post is has been labeled with all five kinds of posts. You will also see the number of each kind of post in my Labels Gadget at the top of the page. All post titles from now on will begin with one of the categories above.

The members of my web group are:

  1. Steve @ Steve Goes Green
  2. Christen @ Christen's Environmental Health
  3. Kaileigh @ Kaileigh's Nature Log
  4. Kathy @ Choh's Changing Environment
  5. Shar @ Shar's Virtual Environment

You can subscribe to my blog by clicking the subscribe gadget in the gadget column. You can also follow my blog by clicking "Follow this Blog" in the gadget column. I am subscribed to all the blogs in my blog list gadget. You can see my complete profile and all the blogs I am following by clicking on "See Complete Profile."

I Iearned how to make an avatar at and how to make a signature at I hope you'll continue to stop in and see what this has in store!