Monday, February 9, 2009

Share and Voice: Podcast

So the other day, I was on I-tunes and I was looking around at Podcasts, because I've found some really neat ones that I listen to on a regular basis before. I came across one put out by the National Public Radio and I came across an environment podcast! It comes out once a week, and discusses pretty much every environmental topic that is in the news at the time! It's not exactly a really exciting podcast to say the least, but it gets the information out and is very informational! Included is a link to the NPR: Environment website and to the podcast itself! Enjoy!

Here is this week's Podcast!


  1. Great idea to share a podcast! I think it's important to consider how going green can help the economy and the environment at the same time. We often think that green things are pro-environment and anti-economy. The most interesting point was that investing in greener fuels, etc. can actually create tens of thousands of jobs.

  2. I like the fact that helping the environment can also help people find employment. I know my family could really benefit from this idea... This was a very informational share and voice! Keep up the good work!

  3. Heather..
    That was a really good idea for a share and voice. It's neat to know that jobs can be created through helping the environment. It could also be a good opportunity for volunteer work.. think about it.. Good post!
